
Anick has been working with me for a number of years.  Her work is magical as it covers all aspects of life. She has helped me in centering myself and being able to conquer my fears including a depression.  Her guides always know what the issues are and she channels the right messages for the moment – it’s truly amazing.  She is a wonderful soul and she has some very special abilities, ones that you cannot learn but rather are gifted from the higher realms.

- George

From the moment Anick greets you at the door there is already a beautiful warmth and glow that emanates around her that instantly envelopes you like a cherished friend that you have laughed and cried with a thousand times letting any insecurities or doubt fade as she recognizes her clients on a deep, loving, kind, non-judgemental spiritual soul level. She provides an immaculate environment that is a peaceful safe place filled to the brim with divine love perfect for healing.

Many of us are at the crest of our spiritual awakenings. We have questions, need guidance and have difficulty trusting our own innate abilities. The ability to look at the inner workings of who we are, the finer more intimate details in ourselves with an open mind and heart allows us to change and make choices that lead us to our best lives. There is an eagerness that dwells within for self-healing, awareness, presence, authenticity, and truth. Let Anick help you in your self-healing journey to awaken to your true self. You have been divinely guided to this ideal person. Your eagerness will be met with Anick’s wisdom, grace and passion to heal by changing how you perceive and view yourself and the world. Let her alleviate the negativity, the stresses and pain that hold you down and awaken your senses as she presents you with the necessary guidance and tools that put you in tune with the Universe and most importantly your truly deserving authentic self.

Be well 

Much love and many blessings 

- Tunisja

Anick is such a beautiful soul.  I met her a couple of years ago at a meditation and we just seemed to click right away.  She is very intuitive and was able to guide me on my journey and still does to this day.  My husband and son have also seen her on various occasions for some light language and intuitive guidance.  I would recommend her for removal of energy blockages and anyone seeking direction and clarification from your spiritual team.  Very blessed to have her in my life.  Thank you Anick for being a huge part of my journey. 

- Heather

I have had the opportunity to visit Anick on a couple occasions and had amazing experience with the work she does. It is difficult to put into words !    With love and gratitude.

- Doreen

To wence the world has come to us.
We gather our energies along our way
For trueness.... the best we can
Through Anick  her special ways
From aching knee to cosmic gift
We are human, yet only just
For we, that's i, need a shot or two
Of her gift through cosmic dust.
Yet i, a silent one with
Many gifts of my own
With intermingling
Energies up and down…. soul designed.
I find myself just doth. 

                            Thank you Anick,

                you are a gift.

- David

I’ve experienced multiple Light Language and consulting sessions with Anick, and they have been life altering. Every time I see Anick I get a lot of insight and understanding about my lineage, my energies and my path. Anick has opened me up to a whole other world and awareness and I’m forever grateful.

If you’re looking to expand, move forward in life and come into your full potential I would highly recommend booking a session with her.

- Marije Terluin

I have visited Anick for two light language sessions, and several private consultations. Her intuition and extraordinary ability to connect to my spirit energy, has been an experience I will not forget. The messages from my guides and targeted healing feel so on point, providing me clarity and much excitement.

- Clayton Mathias

Anick is a wonderful channeller of cosmic beings, who help her to do very deep and unique work with people. I had incredible sessions with Anick where I could feel layers of stuck energy were removed from my physical body and symbols of light were placed in particular area of my energetic body for the necessary growth and expansion.

- Krystina

I have known Anick since 2012 when we met at an event in California. From the moment we met,we had an amazing connection and I remember that she told me about her special gift. At that time, she was reluctant to tell people and I remember she was so happy when she told me because my response was very open. From my side, I felt privileged to hear about her abilities and was simply amazed by what Anick was telling me. To this day, I still feel amazed, in fact more amazed.

I have seen her journey develop and progress over the years to a higher spiritual level gained with knowledge, warmth and wisdom. In London, Anick offered to give me a Light Language session and of course I said YES even though a part of me was a little scared. With Anick there is no reason to be scared.The Light Language session was amazing and it gave me clarity and took me to a higher state that I have never experienced before saw and felt things from the past, present and future. All of the things were and are very important to me and I feel the power of the light always. I am grateful for having Anick in my life and she is a beautiful human being.

- Matthew, London

Ahhh Anick...what a wonderful warm soul. I met her synchronistically and randomly at an event, and in those 5 minutes she displayed her insightfulness and her profound intuitive gifts. I felt a connection and following that, I decided to go and see her for a light language session (and have had 3 now in total).

Just entering in to her beautiful and peaceful space is uplifting and I could feel high vibration intensely. The Light Language sessions have been....hard to describe. I can feel intense energy throughout my body, and after I feel such a sense of lightness and CLARITY.

Anick's guidance and wisdom have been very helpful in such a transitory time for me, and her faith in me extremely supportive. She has a very special gift, and I would highly recommend her for anyone dealing with energy blocks and attachments, those seeking guidance towards finding their own higher path, and those wanting to break out of patterns. Of course, the answers all lay within each of us, but sometimes we need that special someone to direct us inwards. And Anick is very special <3

- Sorcia Amor

Anick thanks for your wonderful light language, it’s an incredible gifts and it help me lots.
I recommend this for people who needs clarity in there life.

- Gladys V


Anick’s gentle help came right at the moment when I really needed it, for which I am deeply grateful. After her sessions I feel as if I took an energy shower – cleansed, renewed and expansive. The insights and experience during the sessions are also profound, and her advice is very relevant and helpful. An amazing experience overall. Anick is very intuitive and has a gift of bringing forth through her beautiful being what is needed in the moment. I highly recommend working with her!

- Yana F

J’ai eu plusieurs sessions avec Anick.
Elle a fait son light language sur moi. Je me suis senti si bien une fois la session
terminée. L’énergie qu’elle m’a apportée, et de tous ceux qui étaient derrière, et
autour d’elle.
Je te remercie

- Pauline K. Montréal

Ça fait déjà quelques années qu’a Anick travaille sur moi soit autant que sur le physique que sur mon moral
Il y a vraiment quelque chose en elle qui est indescriptible mais j’ai vu de gros changement sur moi
Ces séances on un bienfait formidable dès que c’est terminée .
Même si je ne comprends pas ce qu’elle dit c’est un relax total une nouvelle énergie
J’ai écouté the great language pendant 7 jours et je ne suis pas capable de m’en passé dès que j’ai un peu mal physique ou moral je l’écoute et après je me sens beaucoup mieux
Félicitations Anick et continue ton beau travail.

- Annette Therriault

J'ai rencontré Anick en 2017 à mon travail. J'ai tout de suite senti une connection et lui ai demandé d'aller prendre un café ensemble pour en savoir plus sur son don. Peu après, Anick m'a introduit à "light language". Quelle expérience! Anick a vraiment changé ma vie! A l'époque, je me sentais insignifiante, perdue et déconnectée. Son travail m'a démontré tout le contraire en moi et à quel point nous sommes tous liés a l'univers. Récemment, ma fille de 19 ans a fait une session avec Anick. En raison d'anxiété et de depression ma fille a vu plusieurs psychologues et psychiatres qui n'ont apportés aucun résultat positif. Un rendez vous plus tard avec Anick et celle-ci est revenue avec de l'espoir!!
Je recommande Anick de tout coeur. Elle a un désir immense d'aider l'humanité à trouver un sens dans leur vie.

- Sylvie R.