Anick Bourbonniere was born in Quebec City, Canada. As a child, she was able to see and sense other realms. She was fortunate enough to receive guidance from the other side from her grandfather who passed away when Anick was 8 years old. He was there to assist in the development of her special abilities and to communicate with her ancestors. After graduating, she taught French and Art around the world. Anick is currently happily married, she is also a mother to wonderful twins.  

Early on, Anick realized that her children also display some unique abilities. In observing them and other children like them—children who seem to carry higher vibrational frequencies—she noticed that it is not always easy for them to adjust to and thrive in our current environment, which is full of lower frequencies. This sparked a desire and a passion in Anick to assist her children and others like them in embracing their abilities as well as in learning to adapt in the physical world. 

Since 2014, Anick has been working with children and their families. She assists them in understanding their special gifts so they can embrace them rather than fear them. This allows the children to make their adjustment to our physical world. She also teaches them how to protect themselves and the importance of connecting with the earth and its elements. This connection ensures the children and their families are better able to navigate the heavy physical and mental energy of the city and mass consciousness. As a result of this connection, they remain more balanced and grounded. Over the years, she also realized that its equally as important to work with the parents and other adults in order to heal themselves, their kids and their ancestors.

Anick has the ability to connect to high vibrational realms and has developed an ability to transmit the energies of those realms. She channels energy of the New Earth in the form of Light Language. Anick’s work has expanded to include past life regression. Using this in conjunction with Light Language has opened up a new horizon when it comes to ancestral lineage. 

Anick feels blessed to be able to help children, their families and their ancestors to connect and see life as a playground of happiness. “It’s only the beginning and the best is yet to come.”